Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Nested Cubes - AP

I loved this project - the final outcome is one of my favorites. I opted to not choose smooth shading for the 2nd version and I really like the modern edges.

Monday, April 29, 2019

Glass Bowl/Cloth Napkin

The tutorial was really easy to follow and the project came together quite quickly.  The only tricky part is positioning the cloth in a way that it will drape in a nice dramatic way over the bowl.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Nested Cubes

This project was really easy to put together and really cool to look at.  I tried doing the array with other shapes and materials to see what I could come up with.

Vertical Grid

With the duplicate function, this comes together very quickly like the other grid projects.  I enjoyed having the off centered planes inside the cubes to give it a more textured look.  It was also nice to see the effects of the spotlight shining through it and onto the plane.  I enjoy turning some of the objects into glass figures because it reminds me of my old lego sets. 😅😅  Very fun and cool project!

Friday, April 26, 2019

Vertical Grid - AP

Fun project! Once I started playing with the colors, it reminded me of a honeycomb, which influenced the placement of planes and cubes in my 2nd attempt  :) What I hadn't realized until I began rendering is that one of the planes was not centered in the cube.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Quick Question about some assignments

Hello Professor Nevins!

I was looking through the project list and numbers 15-17 and 19 we have already done.  Should we redo these projects a second time?  Also, project #18's video link routes to the video for project #20.  Can you repost the correct link?  I went ahead and checked out the other video links for the rest of the listed projects and those are fine. Thanks!


The first time I tried to do this following the tutorial was successful. However, when I went back to create more cups with alternative dimensions I ended up with cups that had a million vertices which made it impossible to add loop cuts and a handle.  After about 5 times of starting all over I finally figured out what I did wrong.  When I applied the subdivision modifier, I clicked on apply after changing the views and render to 3.  When I didn't click apply and continued on, I didn't have the vertices problem.  Not sure why that made a difference but none the less I had fun once I got the hang of it!

Monday, April 22, 2019

Cup - AP

I was surprised at how easy it was to create the mug, and the tutorial was great.. I liked using the point light, something new to play around with..  Cheers! :)

Interesting! -AP

Hi Nneka and Professor Nevins -- I came across this article over the weekend and although they are actual sculptures - don't they remind you of some of our projects melded together? Thought it was fun and you would appreciate checking them out!

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Spin Modifier - AP

IT took me a few tries to add in additional objects. Once I did it was fun to arrange them, and try and create shapes that complimented one another.The final image was one I wanted to create after being inspired by the stock of Easter eggs I stuffed this week :)

Radial Array - AP

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Spin Modifier

This one came out so nice after messing around with the Bezier circle function.  I think the porcelain surface on these renders look super life-like! I followed along with the first two objects but forgot about changing the x and z inputs after clicking spin for the third one.  I was staring at a weird flat shape for a few minutes until I broke down and rewatched the video for that necessary piece of information haha 😅😅😅